Laura Moore

My name is Laura Moore and I could not be more excited to be Parish Secretary. My family and I have been attending St Mary Magdalen for almost three years. As soon as we came, we were welcomed and made to feel at home. We especially love the diversity of our parish and are proud to add to it.

Since our son left for college, I discovered just how busy he had kept me. So I have been exploring and learning lots of new things that I enjoy such as reading, cross stitching, biking, and going out with friends. My husband and I have also discovered just how important our faith is to us. We both enjoy participating in various activities here at church and I encourage everyone to try to do just one activity. You will be amazed at how just doing one small thing can make such a big difference in our community and in our faith.

I have already met so many wonderful people in our parish and hope to meet many more. I am also looking forward to welcoming new people into our faith community, just as my family was so warmly welcomed. As I said, St. Mary Magdalen feels like our home and I think making others feel welcome is important, not only as part of my position, but as an important part of living my faith. I am hoping to bring a joyful and welcoming presence to everyone entering the church office. Please stop by to say “Hi” and introduce yourself, I look forward to meeting everyone.