Founded by Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, our Church was born. Right from the beginning, the first Christians reflected, meditated, studied, and argued -at times quite violently – on the meaning of the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. What should we make of the instruction: forgive your brother not seven but seventy times seven? How might we understand the proclamation: this bread is my body and this wine my blood? And what sense could we make out of the incarnation – when the divine is confined in the human body, eternity is trapped in the finite and the immortal be subjected to death?
Doctrines and teachings, hence, were developed and defined. Since then, we have begun to profess that our God is one being yet three persons. Jesus Christ is one person yet two beings. The Holy Spirit is truly God. There are seven sacraments. And our church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic…. Moreover, we profess that God, in loving us, has crossed over the threshold of the divine to touch and embrace us. We, in loving God, must break through our human boundary, reach out and hold on tightly to the gentle hands of God. We are to have a relationship with God. We are to live with God and in God.
To enable new parents, godparents and the parish to experience the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism to the fullest, we have designed a preparation experience that will present the history, theology, symbols and ritual of the Sacrament of Baptism. We will explore the importance of community, family traditions and your personal faith journey, as well as take you step by step through the celebration ritual.
For more information contact Michelle Mason at the Parish Office.

Is your child ready to experience Jesus as, “the Bread of Life”? Are they ready to join us as we gather as a family around the table each week to celebrate the Eucharist?
Preparation for the reception of the sacrament takes place within our Core Curriculum sessions of Formation on Wednesday evenings. The sessions will introduce children to the communal aspect of Eucharist as well and the celebration of Jesus’ gift of himself to us and how that changes us forever.
For more information contact Michelle Mason at the Parish Office.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus provides us with a way of being reconciled to God, to those we’ve hurt, to those who have hurt us and to be strengthened in our connection to God’s entire family. This is more than symbolic; it is spiritual reality expressed through ritual. Preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is currently in transition.
Children in the Second Grade should participate in Faith Formation. During the Formation classes, students will be provided with an understanding of the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the concept of sin, the daily examination of conscience and prayer. The celebration dates will be announced during the Formation year.
For more information contact Michelle Mason at the Parish Office.

Are you ready to experience being sealed with the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to experience the laying on of hands? Are you ready to use the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit to spread the message of the Gospel? Then you are ready to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation! Students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are required to participate in Faith Formation for 8th grade.
All Candidates are required to attend the Middle School Retreat, the Confirmation Immersion Retreat and perform a number of Christian Service hours. A Sponsor is chosen; this should be someone who will be a role model of faith as well as a companion on the candidate’s faith journey.
For more information and a schedule of classes see the Faith Formation form and calendar online or contact Michelle Mason at the Parish Office.
Marriage is a lifelong and faithful covenant between a man and a woman. Couples planning to be married are required to attend formal preparation classes. Our preparation sessions give couples the opportunity to understand and respect their marriage as a sacrament by offering insight on how they can nourish and nurture this sacrament for a lifetime. Couples are also offered insight into effective marital communication, facing changes gracefully, establishing spiritual and emotional intimacy, finances and blending families.
*Please note that any couples who were not married in the Roman Catholic Church but would like to bring their marriage into the Church are encouraged to call the Parish Office for information on Marriage Convalidation.*

Holy Orders
Is God calling to you?
All too often we go about our daily lives without considering what God wants for us. Even when we think we have everything figured out and that we are on the best path we could be on, we neglect to pause and ask God what he wants for us – if he agrees with our decision. Just as it is important to pray for our other needs and wants, it is equally important to pray for God to put us on the path he wants us to be on and to give us the strength and grace to follow that path. God could be calling you to the priesthood, other religious life, marriage, or a particular career or school.
There are many useful resources available to help you discern your vocation. You could speak with your local priest or religious, talk to your close family members, visit the Office of Priestly Vocations website, visit (which also has a ton of helpful information), visit a convent or monastery, take along retreat, etc. Please don’t forget to consult with our Creator when you make these big decisions in your life!
Whatever path God puts you on, it is important to do a good job, do it to advance the glory of God on Earth, and thereby, bring the people around you closer to God. This can be accomplished in active or passive ways, but we are all called to answer the universal call to holiness spoken of by St. Francis de Sales, Pope Pius XI, St. Josemaria Escriva, and reiterated by the Second Vatican Council.
The Diocese is looking for men that have the heart of a deacon today; men with a willingness to serve.
Currently, the Diocese of Grand Rapids has a class of eight men in the third year of their candidacy and are scheduled to be ordained as permanent deacons in January of 2022. They also have a class of ten men that were instituted as deacon candidates in November and are scheduled for ordination in early 2024. The process of forming the next class of deacon aspirants is underway. If you are interested in exploring a call to become a member of the deaconate, please contact the office.
Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd of souls, who called the apostles to be fishers of men, raise up new apostles in your holy Church. Teach them that to serve you is to reign: to possess you is to possess all things. Kindle in the hearts of our young people the fire of zeal for souls. Make them eager to spread your Kingdom upon earth. Grant them courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life; who live and reign for ever and ever.
Anointing of the Sick
The Ministry of the Elderly and the Homebound seeks to fulfill the need for the Eucharist for those who cannot attend Mass.