Liturgical Ministry
Altar Servers/Greeter & Ushers/ Eucharistic Ministers/ Lectors/Choirs
Altar Servers:
Watch this page for more information at a later date.
Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters & Ushers):
Greet and welcome all persons as they enter the Gathering Area before Mass. Collect the offering and guide the Communion procession. Bid farewell at the end of Mass, pass out bulletins, and tidy up the church for the next Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity for families. (Open to everyone! “On the job training” is provided. Service – choice of Mass)
Contact Michelle Mason in the office at 616-455-9310.
Eucharistic Ministers:
Assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend liturgies. Several Eucharistic Ministers are needed every weekend. (Open to men and women of the parish, confirmed and 16 years and older. One training session is required. Service – choice of Mass.)
Contact Michelle Mason in the office at 616-455-9310.
Serve as part of a two-person team, proclaiming the Word of God at weekend and special liturgies, prayers of the faithful, and announcements during Mass. (Open to adults, 10th grade & up. One training session is required. Choice of mass – once or twice every 2 months.
Contact the Parish Office and ask for the current contact person for this ministry.
Music Ministers:
Open to musicians age 16 and up, this ensemble plays the Saturday 5:00 Mass weekly and rehearses once per month on a Tuesday evening and at 4:00 each Saturday.
Contact Emily Rushmore for more info.