Other Groups

Knights of Columbus

Consider joining the Knights of Columbus and be part of a  local as well as a state, national, and worldwide organization to make a difference.

St. Mary Magdalen Council #16223


Men’s Group

Men of St. Mary Magdalen working together to foster spirituality, service, and social activities within the parish community, in accordance with the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church. Open to all men of the parish. Meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Rosary Makers

Our group meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7p.m. in room 1 in the Family Center.  Everyone is welcome to join us to learn how to make rosaries. We can teach you the skill and send you home with the materials to make them.  For more information, please contact the office at 616-455-9310. 

Widow & Widowers Group

Women’s Guild

Opportunities for spiritual growth, service to others, and community building with other women of the parish. The Guild also has a Craft Sale in November and a Spring Rummage Sale. Open to all women of the parish. Watch the bulletin for the dates and details of our monthly luncheon meeting. Contact the Parish Office and ask for the current contact […]