Parish News

Prayers for Vocations

We invite our parishioners to join our whole Diocese in saying a special prayer for Vocations. O God. hear our prayer and let our cry… more

Faith Formation Update

No Faith formation for the next 2 weeks, 12/25 & 1/1. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 8th at 6:15pm. We offer classes for 1st… more

Free Mobile Food Pantry

St. Mary Magdalen offers free perishable food, normally, on the last Saturday of each month, in partnership with Feeding America West MI Mobile Food Pantry.… more

Father Peter’s Homilies

HOMILY for 4th SUNDAY of ADVENT             This Sunday Gospel tells us about an act of kindness that Mary did by visiting her relative Elizabeth.… more

Advent Confession Times

12/16 8:30am to 10:00am & 6:00pm to 8:00pm 12/17 No Confession 12/18 8:30am to 10:00am & 6:00pm to 8:00pm 12/19 8:30am to 10:00am & 6:00pm… more

Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule

12/24 Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord 3:30pm Children's Pageant 4:00pm Children's Mass 9:30pm Christmas Carols 10:00pm Mass 12/25 Nativity of the Lord 9:00am… more