Sr. Mai-Thi Do

I am Sister Agnes Mai Do, a member of the Sisters of Saint Paul de Chartres Order in Wyoming, Michigan. I took my First Vows in 2014 and my Perpetual Vows in 2019. Originally from Vietnam, I have been in the United States since 2011. I graduated from Aquinas College with a Bachelor of Theology and am currently pursuing a graduate program in clinical mental health counseling at Aquinas College.

It has been a great honor to be part of our parish family, serving as a minister to the elderly, the homebound, and the grieving for over five years. I find deep joy in visiting the vulnerable members of our community and encountering God through the stories of different people. Besides, I enjoy praying, reflecting on the Bible, reading spiritual books, spending time with the sisters in the convent, and tending to my little garden.